accademia del profumo

At the beginning of March, in the context of “The Red Beauty Carpet”, the opening ceremony of Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna 2013, the prizes of the 24th Accademia del Profumo International Prize (the only Italian prize related to the excellence of perfumery) were awarded. Here are the names of the winners perfumes divided in seven male and female categories.

A inizio marzo, nel contesto di “The Red Beauty Carpet”, la cerimonia inaugurale di Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna 2013, sono stati assegnati i riconoscimenti legati al 24° Premio Internazionale di Accademia del Profumo, unica attestazione italiana dell’eccellenza della profumeria. Ecco i nomi dei profumi vincitori per le sette categorie di gara suddivise tra maschile e femminile.


Best perfume of the year
Coco Noir Chanel
Best olfactory creation
Bulgari Mon Jasmin Noir l’Eau Exquise
Best packaging
Balenciaga Florabotanica
Best product made in Italy
Signorina Salvatore Ferragamo
Best product Italian brand
Signorina Salvatore Ferragamo
Best niche product
Armani Privé Figuier Eden
Best communication adv
La petite Robe noire Guerlain


Best perfume of the year
Acqua di Giò Essenza
Best olfactory creation
Trussardi My Land
Best packaging
Trussardi My Land
Best product made in Italy
Trussardi My Land
Best product Italian brand
Trussardi My Land
Best niche product
Tom Ford Noir
Best communication adv
Prada Luna Rossa

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