Today I am happy to guest a post written by the friends of MTSroller, a web site involved in providing solutions for all types of skin related problems. In this case, the article discusses about the possible problems that the skin may suffer during and after pregnancy. I’m sure this post will affect all the new mothers and the women who are about to embark on the sweet journey of motherhood. Here’s the contribution …
Oggi sono felice di ospitare un post scritto dagli amici di, un sito impegnato nell’offrire soluzioni per la cura e il benessere della pelle. In questo caso l’articolo tratta dei possibili problemi di cui può soffrire l’epidermide durante e dopo la gravidanza. Sono sicura che interesserà tutte le neo mamme e le donne che stanno per intraprendere il dolce cammino della maternità, un percorso certo entusiasmante ma non privo di qualche piccolo ostacolo. Ecco a voi il contributo…
Becoming a mother is the most wonderful experience in this world. Your mind and your body go through many phases which bring about chemical and physical changes in you. Besides internal changes, there are many superficial changes that occur on the skin surface that can be quite troublesome, during and after pregnancy.
Pregnancy has its high points and low. The hormones can cause havoc to you mind and skin. On the bright side, most of these changes are temporary and phase out gradually in a year or so. A little awareness and consulting the right doctor will help you handle these outbursts with a calm head. There is no hard and fast rule, some mothers get them and others don’t.
Here is a list of common skin problems women face during and after pregnancy.
1. Acne
Acne is directly related to the hormonal level of your body. It might not be as severe as teenage, but can still be very painful. Try not to use medication as it subsides on its own. It generally affects the neck and lower area. It gets severe if you have clogged pores, with excess secretion of sebum. Do not let it affect your state of mind or self confidence.
2. Melasma
Melasma is the occurring of dark patches of skin on the face, mostly the forehead and chin and cheeks. The skin in these areas becomes dark due to excess production of melanin. Avoid going out in the direct sun and use a broad spectrum sun screen. The patches generally disappear after child birth. It is also called the ‘mask of pregnancy‘ and is more prominent in wheatish women.
3. Spider Veins
A spider like effect is visible on the face due to increased blood circulation and heightened hormones. Most commonly seen around the face, neck and upper body, an increased blood supply causes pressure in the veins to increase. The easiest method to avoid spider veins is to have a fibrous diet, rich in fruits and vegetables.
4. Skin tags
During pregnancy when the skin rubs against skin the nodules attached to the body grow into folds of the skin. They are most commonly found in the armpits, beneath the breasts. Even when the skin rubs on clothes the tags appear. They generally disappear after a few months of child birth. Wear comfortable clothes, made of soft fabrics.
5. Stretch Marks
These are nature’s way of leaving evidence of what you went through. This is the most common problem faced by all mothers. They might appear during pregnancy or after delivery. Since, the fibers get softened due to hormone production, they never go back to their original condition. Most common areas are abdomen, thighs and breasts. These marks are also related to the hormonal level in your body. They can be red, purple or white in color. Although they never lead to any complications, but they are very un appealing. Over a period of time they fade, but never go away.
Author Bio:
MTSroller is an authorized in- house of branded skin related products like derma rollers and also provides solutions for all types of skin related problems like sun burn, pigmentation, anti-aging serums etc. We provide authentic, reliable and quality products with 1 month money back guarantee.
Bello questo post! E’ vero che la cura della pelle è importante anche in un periodo così importante e delicato. Io ci ho prestato parecchia attenzione e sono fortunatamente riuscita ad arginare tutti questi problemi, grazie ad una sana alimentazione e a cosmetici specifici.
Great post and thanks for sharing. I have my fair share of this during my pregnancy but when I see my son now, it is all worth it.
Great, informative post!
Happy 2014!
in questi periodi della vita i buoni consigli sono sempre preziosi!
Un post veramente interessante che tocca un problema che piu o meno tuttevnoi donne abbiamo affrontato o dovremo affrontare.
La cura della pelle durante la gravidanza è importantissima.Un bacio
Very useful post!! Loved your blog <3
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Davvero interessante questo post…. è fondamentale la cura della pelle prima e dopo ogni gravidanza!!!!!!
Great post for the moms
Such a great post, since we are planing to have a baby hopefully soon, it’s good to know all this, not to be surprised ! XOXO
Thanks for sharing this! I gave birth to twin baby girls so I know these problems too well, although I was lucky enough to not experience stretch marks (well, I had premature babies but they were okay). Four years down the road, my tummy looks like it will never look the same again and I’m very self-conscious about it. Pregnancy took its toll on my nails too, they break all the time, it’s horrible.
Mafalda ❤
interesting! its such a pain to go through pregnancy I wish guys can do it instead :))))
absolutely timeless!
This a great post – something to think about when I’m wanting a bun in the oven!
Corinne x
cutie cutie cutie!
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suggerimenti asoslutamente utili…grazie
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Molto interessante..ignoravo il sorgere di alcuni di questi problemi. Buon weekend!
Well, I am not pregnant but it’s always good to know these tips, for the time I or a friend have these problems – hopefully not! But having said that, I have very sensitive skin and the suggestions are good to me too! So, a very nice post! I hope you have a great new year, and keep on posting about good things for everybody – I love it! May your year be full of achievements and fun! denisesplanet com
Davvero ottimi consigli.
Un abbraccio
The Indian Savage diary
Bel post, sono problemi che conosco bene dopo diverse gravidanze…
awesome post!
♥ Ellen
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Un post molto interessante! E’ importantissimo prendersi cura della propria pelle prima e dopo la gravidanza!
So beautiful 🙂
Davvero interessante!!
Un post molto interessante anche per chi non è in dolce attesa! 🙂
Thanks so much for sharing thes awesome tips 😀
xx Mira
Ottimo post e consigli splendidi 🙂 che tenerezza le immagini
un abbraccio
Great review dear! So interesting to know all this tips! 🙂
Keep in touch!
Lady Trends NEW POST!!
bel post molto utile
Very informative. There is so much here that I didn’t know before.
Articolo molto interessante 🙂
Buona Befana! 😀
The Lunch Girls
i tuoi consigli sono preziosissimi
bel post davvero
grazie per essere passata